What is good or bad Music?

Copyright theft, has always been around.  As a young songwriter, I would send my songs to publishers, who stole them all.  All I would hear was some of my lyrics over the radio.  As a result, after crying to them, I was advised by the musicians union to create Pennant Music Publishers and record my own music to establish ownership beyond doubt.  I remember at music school I got into a heated discussion about the origins of rap music.  It was clear to me then in my humble view, that we all have come a long way but still have some way to go.  In a discussion yesterday I was asked why did god make me black?  I think the inference was that being black was an affliction.  My answer was 'I was blessed by god as a black man, whoever has a problem should take it up with god, not me'.   

I was constantly being told by record executives to play Reggae, Hip Hop, or Soul music.  My love is of creating music, what I write or play is left to creativity.  To be fair I guess they were thinking of marketability.  Whatever, I create in my view is black music because God blessed me as a black man and he makes no mistakes.  Why does it matter what music I play if it is reasonably good?  Music has been my life long passion, I resent ignorance. 
I was taken back a week ago when told after someone had listened a track that 'he thought I would have been a soul-man'.  No good or bad comment, I noted.  As for me there are only two types of music.  There is good music and bad music.  I have never notice the colour of 'ZZ Top', I am just a fan who like what they play.


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