Defamation and Malicious Falsehood

Acts 24:12-13

12.   And they neither found me in the temple disputing with any man, neither raising up the people, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city:

13.   Neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me.

As far back as the 11th century, English law has provided a legal claim for people whose reputations have been damaged by lies told about them.  Over the centuries, this action developed into the modern law of defamation, and its main (though not only) use is now in cases where damaging statements are published by the media.  Most legal systems have a form of defamation law, but the rules vary widely throughout the world, and England’s are considered to make life more difficult for the media than the laws in many other countries. 

Defamation is one of the most important areas of law for a journalist to know about and, for that reason, it is considered in more depth than most other subjects when publishing articles.  

Paul gives a just account of himself, which clears him from any crime, and likewise shows the true reason of the violence against him.  Let us never be driven from any good path by fear of having an ill name.  It is very comforting, to look to the God of our forefathers, and to set up no other rule of faith or practice but the Scriptures.  This shows there will be a resurrection to a final judgment.  Prophets and their doctrines were to be tried by their fruits.  

Paul's aim was to have a conscience void of offence.  His care and endeavour was to abstain from many things, and to abound in the exercising of God's word at all times; both towards God and towards man.  If blamed for being more earnest in the things of God than our neighbours, what is our reply?  Do we shrink from the accusation?  How many in the world would rather be accused of any weakness, nay, even of wickedness, than of an earnest, fervent feeling of love to God and his son the Lord Jesus Christ, and of devotedness to their service!  Can such think that He will confess them when he comes in his glory, and before the angels of God?  

If there is any sight pleasing to the God of our salvation, and a sight at which the angels rejoice, it is, to behold a devoted follower, here upon earth, acknowledging that he is guilty, if it be a crime, of loving the Lord who died for him, with all his heart, and soul, and mind, and strength.  And that he will not in silence see God's word despised, or hear his name profaned; he will rather risk the ridicule and the hatred of the world, than one frown from that gracious Being whose love is better than life.


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