The Great White Hope

For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Matthew 16:26  

As a 'truism' it has long been evident that 'Your actions may speak so loudly, that no one can hear what you are saying.'  

Although President Trump tries to press the so-called 'reset button' on his administration with scripted speeches time and time again, his behaviour looms stridently attracting attention.

We cannot indefinitely hide who we really are deep down, just as a swine cannot be disguised, even with the aid of a jewel of gold.  King Solomon who was given supreme knowledge by Yahuwah due to his humility wrote in Proverbs 11:22 - As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout so is a beautiful woman who is without discretion.  A foolish wanton person not just a woman is fittingly compared to a swine although we might outwardly appear differently. Wallowing in the mire of our filthy lustful desires renders the mind and conscience to be defiled.  Just as with a swine even after washing or scriptural instruction, we might eagerly return to the mire.

When Barak Obama was president, the opposition to him was mainly based on his appearance.  Consequently, nothing could blur the fact that he was not White.

Obama pressed on regardlessly, surely his actions would at some point drown out the noise of his colour.  However, these steadfast attitudes remain an insurmountable problem worldwide.  

Moreover, many shamelessly holding these views believe within themselves that they are upright individuals.  Their Trojan Horse strategy is to tightly bite their tongues presenting themselves as having in some cases many non-white associates to hide their hidden agenda until their objectives are achieved.  Meanwhile, being thoroughly deceived the unsuspecting supporter naively sleepwalk into perpetual captivity.

The obviously racist presidential campaign 'dog whistle' was in part, 'we are going to take our country back', which was clearly a racist secret code for, we detest the fact that in spite of all our efforts the United States wrongly elected a 'Black President' no matter our man Donald Trump will set matters straight and reverse all the harm done.  This provides a very clear indication that the deeply entrenched issues litigated during the American Civil War and Jim Crow have not been totally resolved, especially with die-hard Neo-Nazis and KKK racists.

It has long been believed by many psychologists that, 'racism' should be considered a mental illness.  They have, as a result, concluded that it might be more productive to treat these racists as those with an addiction to opioids or alcohol.  Nonetheless, treatments are difficult and have never been completely successful.

Conversely, Trump supporters are complicit by giving him a free pass, the benefit of the doubt, because, at least he is 'White' so all cannot be that bad.  Blinded by their ingrained racism, the lines between right and wrong have become indistinguishable to many.

There can be no doubt that President Trump's supporters have effectively made, for their own reasons a Faustian Contract.  Although they must have been aware of what President Trump is about, a conscious decision was made individually to support him for self-gain.  As a result, President Trump feels emboldened and continues to pathologically lie, support the KKK, supporters of Adolf Hitter's idealism and behave shamelessly immorally.  

Jack Jefferson (James Earl Jones) was an American boxing heavyweight champion of the early 1910s.  But as a black man, he was not only fighting other boxers but discrimination and prejudice.  The boxing fans and press resented the idea of a black champion and were actively searching for a "great white hope" to defeat him.  Evidently, it was Jefferson's activities outside the ring, primarily his involvement with the white woman Eleanor Bachman (Jane Alexander), that provided impetus to his downfall.

Faust, in the legend, traded his soul to the devil in exchange for fame, power, and knowledge.  To 'strike a Faustian bargain' is to be willing to sacrifice anything to satisfy a limitless self-desire of knowledge, fame or power.

A Faustian bargain is a deal with the devil, a pact with Satan, an agreement that allows you to have anything you've ever wanted.  In exchange for extreme fame, wealth or power, all you have to do is hand your soul over to the devil for eternity.  The popular theme of the Faustian bargain started in folk tales, but its stories are still told in popular films, music, comic strips, books, and television programs today. 

The legend started in a German folktale hundreds of years ago.  The tale was about a man named Faust.  The story was originally told to warn followers of Yahuwah, that Yahuwah has set human limits and a righteous man must respect those limits or suffer through eternal damnation. 

There are many different versions of the story, but the main framework remains more or less the same.  Many today are believed to have willingly made such a Faustian deal.  Faust was an intelligent and successful scholar, but he wanted more out of the life.  He was bored with the limited nature of human knowledge.  So he decided that it would be a good idea to summon the devil and ask him for fame, supreme knowledge and power so he could enjoy all the pleasures that the world had to offer. 

In response to his request, the devil sends his right-hand deal maker Mephistopheles, who offers Faust a deal.  He could have supreme fame, knowledge, and power for 24 years, but in exchange, the devil wanted Faust's soul wherefore he will then spend eternity in damnation.  Faust accepts the bargain and signs his fate with blood. 

Faust goes about enjoying his new found fame, knowledge and power.  He seduces women, he becomes a young man, he travels the world, he summons spirits, and with every step, he gains more fame, knowledge and more power.  His experiences are limitless, he enjoys everything that the world can possibly give him. 

At the end of the term, Faust waits for the devil, he knows his time is up.  The devil carries his spirit off and the story is over.  However, it should be noted that in some tales, Faust outsmarts the devil or develops a plan to get out of the deal.

The idea of selling your soul to the devil has become a metaphor for getting something you want in exchange for sacrificing something great.  Often times it's something intangible, like your morals or self-esteem.  So let's say that you really wanted to get an A on a final exam. 

The grade would make you valedictorian of your class and ensure your acceptance into Harvard University.  It's all you've ever wanted in life.  And let's also say that you found out that you could somehow obtain a copy of the exam ahead of time. 

Yes, if you did see the exam beforehand, you would get an A and all your dreams would come true.  But the Faustian bargain would be that you would become a cheater.  It would mean that you didn't earn the rewards yourself. In turn, you would sacrifice your morals and ethics, and you would never be able to turn back.  Do not forget that you would always be a cheater.  

Extensive study of the holy scriptures will cultivate a deep love for our Heavenly Father Yahuwah, thereby, preventing us from ever making any deals with a debased degenerate such as Satan. 


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