America’s Phoney War on Drugs
In America’s so-called war on drugs, for some strange reason, became a war on Black people, that has been earning them lengthy jail time, although in some states the same drug has become legal. Now that it has been found to also affect white people, the rules have changed to emphasize treatment for addicts, for whom in both cases are actually victims. America has been fighting drug abuse for almost over a century. At least four Presidents have personally waged a war on drugs. Unfortunately, it is a war that Americans are losing. Drug abusers continue to fill courts, hospitals, and prisons. The drug trade causes violent crime that ravages neighbourhoods. Children of drug abusers are neglected, abused, and even abandoned. The only beneficiaries of this war are organised crime members and drug dealers. The United States now appears to want to focus its efforts on the decriminalization of certain categories of d...