Chump’s Fascist America

The arrogant failed Russian lackey and idiot as described by Russian intelligence, the presumptive American Führer Chump, even when wrong still demands blind loyalty from all his crony enablers.  Chump’s Nazi leanings had been an open secret among those who still support and voted him into office.

Historians, since the end of the Second World War, have always wondered how the most advanced people in Europe, the Germans, in the early parts of the last century could possibly have produced such a monstrous leader as their Führer Adolf Hitler, 1889-1945.  Nonetheless, with the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America, it has now become quite clear how citizens of any country in a fit of absent-mindedness bordering on lunacy, might use their votes to appoint a crack-pot, jackass as their leader.  History should ideally never repeat itself, but humans not learning from history, often extremely lacking basic intelligence, can be completely manipulated.

History has clearly demonstrated that each and every time the world faces a series of problems along comes a charismatic leader in one of the more powerful world nations offering alluringly simple solutions to complex problems.  It was a global recession in the early 1900s, as well as the unanswered question of balance of power and an economic depression in 1933 which resulted in two world wars last century.  In Trump's case it was by exaggerating and inventing, problems, issues and enemies, using misinformation about the actions of the previous president was a mess for America, which only he could rectify.  He even cynically perpetuated the false narrative that he was not even an American born citizen and most have illegally became president.         

The second war and the role of Adolf Hitler remain of keen interest to lovers of freedom today.  There is sufficient undisputed historical information to prove that millions died fighting the evil Nazi agenda which would have meant slavery and tyranny for the world.  Every freedom loving nation vigorously fought against Hitler to prevent him from succeeding in his attempt to subjugate all the nations of the world by his unprovoked military war waged to obtain his objective.  Hitler and Donald Trump share a quite few things in common which could help lovers of freedom understand the trajectory of Trump’s presidency and how it will affect the world before, it will be too late to act proactively.

Eventually, those who had complacently assumed that the world can no longer fight a global war might sadly be wrong.  It has long been assumed by intellects that because of the destructive power of nuclear weapons and the Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), capacities, available in several countries, no cogent leader would dare unleash his own arsenal first.

Moreover, implied in that assumption is that every nation with nuclear weapons will always have a leader who is totally rational and not a single one will lose his marbles.  However, there is no evidence that mankind can perpetually guarantee that sane men and women will always rule over nations of the world.

Donald Trump's first few days in office is a pointer to how wrong the optimists might turn out to be about the perpetual sanity of world leaders.   Hitler was considered to those not paying attention, as only delusional and deranged.  The truth of his mental state, became clearly apparent only after he had plunged the world into war and after he had died.  Sadly, not before taking close to one hundred sixty million lives down with him, many of his own citizens was there an awakening of this man's lunacy.

Although, Hitler only served 10 months of his jail sentence, he wrote Mein Kampf translated as 'My Fight' or 'My Struggle'. The book is full of anti-Jewish passages and theories about the superiority of the German (Germanic) race.  Hitler expresses his support for Darwinian race theories and more “Lebensraum” translated 'Habitat' or 'Living Space' for the German people.  The German race had to strive for mastery in Europe or face annihilation. Therefore, people with disabilities, or with divergent sexual orientation or of a different race had to be removed from the population, which actually meant being murdered in secret.  According to this racial doctrine, Jews were an inferior race that was poisoning Germany and so did not belong in the community.

There were more outspoken and even fiercer anti-semitics than Adolf Hitler during the 1920s and 1930s, but his clever speeches, peppered with anti-Jewish remarks, his ability to marshal his nationalistic fervour made him an attractive alternative for many German voters after the economic crash of 1929.  He acquired loyal followers who did not shrink from violence.  After Hitler came to power in 1933, they successfully put his ideas into action.

After an extensive use of a clever and divisive propaganda campaign, certain races were portrayed as vermin subhuman and not worthy of consideration especially the Jews, as extended to common humanity.  This evidently was obviously preparing the population to look the other way while his plan to murder any who happened not to comply with his perverse master race ideology.  Ultimately, although no order signed by Adolf Hitler authorizing the Final Solution has ever been found.  Nonetheless, the absence of an order to exterminate the Jews does not prove that the Holocaust did not happen.

There was, to a high order of probability, no one written order from Adolf Hitler authorizing the extermination of the Jews.  Rather, in keeping with the Germans’ policy of secrecy and deception about the Final Solution, Hitler’s instructions about the murder of the Jews was transmitted orally.  Further, the Final Solution was not a single solution, but a variety of separate solutions in different areas at different times, all of which were aimed at achieving the same goal, the extermination of all Jews under German control.

Around six million people were killed in the Holocaust, the Nazis' systematic attempt to exterminate the Jewish people.  Jews from across Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe were rounded up, and either transported to extermination camps where they were gassed, shot locally, or starved and abused in ghettos and labour camps until they died.

This was murder on an industrial scale, and it took an industrial process to do it.  From the office workers who planned and oversaw the logistics, to the railway staff who ran the trains, to the community policemen who guarded the streets, hundreds of thousands of ordinary people were part of this attempted genocide.

It can be hard for humanity to even try to understand how this was possible.  We might assume that ordinary citizens were so terrified of retribution from the vicious Nazi regime that they reluctantly went along with it.  But the truth is far more disturbing than that. In fact, thousands of people, who had lived side by side with their Jewish neighbours for generations, were quite willing to turn on them and become part of a programme of mass murder.

Until then, his detractors thought they were dealing with just a difficult person, his supporters regarded him as a god-sent hero.  That is the first similarity between Führer Trump and the German Führer Hitler.   Adolf had his hardcore followers, the Brown Shirts, who would do anything the Führer ordered with no questions asked.  "I was just following orders", does not absolve anyone from complicity.

The American Führer Trump cultivated his American version of “Brown Shirts”, people who accept anything Trump does or orders to be done as legitimate.  Both groups blindly believe only in obeying orders from their leader, to whom they owe total allegiance.  Trump also promoted the idea that the 'white race' had to strive because America must gain mastery over non-white immigration or face annihilation from murderous drug dealing foreigners.

Hitler’s basic principle and Trump’s are also similar.  They both believe that 'MIGHT IS ALWAYS RIGHT', since both promote having the strongest military on the planet but not only for defense.

Imagine, if you can, the President of Ukraine telling Russian President Putin that Ukraine is going to construct a wall between the two nations and Russia would pay for it, or Viet Nam saying the same thing to China.  The absurdity of those two scenarios is clear to all to all lovers of freedom.

Turn the situation around, this time Russia and China planning to build the wall and the smaller nation would be compelled to pay for it.  Which nation in the world would be the first to condemn the big nations?  You receive no medals for guessing the United States of America.  This country would have been the first to condemn the announcement and the attempt at extortion of funds from a weaker nation.  The irony is that the United States likely funded Israel's wall around the Palestinian people for supposedly security and Trump tries continually to use this wall to justify his Mexican wall.

They would have told the rest of the world that it violates international law, that it is banditry raised to the level of statecraft.  Yet, before Election Day last year, millions of American crony “Brown Shirts” clapped at every over stated attendance campaign rally where Trump promised to adopt banditry as government policy in dealing with Mexico.

This Russian lackey Führer Trump, does not give a damn about the rule of law, the constitution or justice.  He approves of rule by force or fraud, this man has also bragged that he is a proud tax evader.  The Acting Attorney General stated clearly that she would not obey an unconstitutional order was fired.  She joins late Elliot Richardson, the Attorney General under President Richard Nixon, who resigned rather than obey an illegal presidential instruction in what in American history was known as Black Friday.

Trump has selected people like Hitler’s cabinet not for ability but those who would gladly carry out unconstitutional orders.  Most of them are descendants of German and Italian immigrants, yet are at home with Fascism, the cult of personality.

Although highly unlikely, nothing would prevent these same “Brown Shirts” of America from endorsing a war with Mexico to collect the “debt” arising from the construction of the wall.  It must also be noted the American tax payers are now being forced to pay for his white elephant wall.

Unless the rest of the world understand that we are dealing with a clone of another German Nazi madman, of a selective memory, nothing would stop Führer Trump and his gang from going to war to serve his own personal agenda, if no alternative is found.  Hitler did the same thing to the Balkan countries and, like Trump, actually told the entire world what he would do when in as the most powerful man in the world.

No one believed any sane person would do such things until he started doing them.  Obviously, the safest thing for the whole world to assume is that Führer Trump, like Führer Hitler, will try to achieve all he promised in his campaign and he would not allow legality or justice to stand in his way.  As a result, the world has only two choices, submit or resist.

In making that choice, we need to take advice from Hitler who warned that “You don’t fight terror with appeasement, you fight terror...”.  Every bully is a terrorist, irrespective of whether the bully is an individual or a nation.  Trump had shown us the bully’s face of America, which had previously been well-concealed, and the rest of the world must deal with that reality and not hope there will be any change without action.

One nation and its current leader appear too eager to repeat the errors of 1936.  Hitler’s ascendancy and his first conquests brought in a clown waving the olive branch and promising to support the Germans in their global ambitions.  The man was Benito Mussolini, 1883-1945, the Italian Fascist leader, who was too happy to kiss Hitler’s hand.

The 'Founding Fathers' of America gathered from thirteen states to announce the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776.  Some even ironically recollected that one of the most famous lines in that declaration pronounced that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal…”.

As with most white people telling white audiences about American history, conveniently forgetting that most of the hypocritical ‘Founding Fathers’ were slave owners and women were not allowed to vote.  More importantly, deliberately overlooking the fact that Indians were already there when white men reached America.

No one cared to remind the Republicans that their forefathers carried out the worst holocaust known to man by wiping out all the Indians and stealing their land.  Neither did they recollect all those facts because they would reveal to the Republicans and the entire world that under the American velvet glove extended to the world is a blood-stained steel claw, that America’s vaunted moral superiority is actually a sham.

The emergence of the Führer Trump was an incident waiting to happen.  It has at last revealed to the entire world that this illegal American president now thinks his country bought the world, the way a client has rights to a prostitute.  And, the rest of the world had better behave or there will be hell to pay.

In all, there were at least 51 communications during the campaign or transition between Trump associates and Russians or people closely affiliated with the Russian government, according to their public statements, and court filings.  It is alleged that Russian hackers stole information linked to the campaign of his rival Hillary Clinton and passed it to Wikileaks so it could be released to undermine her.  Congressional committees were set up to investigate the matter and, in March, then, FBI director James Comey confirmed the bureau had its own inquiry.

President Trump sacked Mr Comey on 9 May, citing his reason as "this Russia thing", in a move that shocked Washington and fueled claims of a cover-up.  However, it did not halt the investigation.  On 18 May, the department of justice appointed ex-FBI director Robert Mueller as special counsel to look  into the matter.

Mr Mueller has not given any details of his investigation but the media have reported he is investigating Mr Trump for possible obstruction of justice, both in the firing of Mr Comey and whether Mr Trump tried to end an inquiry into sacked national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Mr Flynn resigned in February after failing to reveal the extent of his contacts with Sergei Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to Washington.  In December, he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI about his meetings with Mr Kislyak.  President Trump has repeatedly denied any collusion with Russia, calling the allegations a "witch hunt".  “If Trump exercises his power, even his lawful power, with a corrupt motive of interfering with an investigation, that’s obstruction,” say, experts on criminal law.  “The attempt is sufficient, and it seems to be a matter of public record already.”

If Mueller feels he has enough evidence, then he could seek permission to indict and prosecute Trump.  It’s not clear that charges can actually be brought against a sitting president, but Mueller’s findings could nevertheless be turned over to Congress, and serve as the centerpiece of any impeachment proceedings against Trump.  The obstruction, it seems, is the biggest legal and political threat to President Trump to emerge from the Mueller probe so far.

On January 4, Trump is reported to have ordered the White House counsel, Don McGahn, to convince Attorney General Jeff Sessions not to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.  When McGahn failed, “the president erupted in anger in front of numerous White House officials, saying he needed his attorney general to protect him."  “Mr. Trump has said that he had expected his top law enforcement official to safeguard him.”

The incident suggests that the president wanted law enforcement officials to protect him from criminal charges.  And indeed, that the episode was initially discovered by Mueller “as he investigates whether Mr. Trump obstructed the F.B.I.’s Russia inquiry.”  The irony, according to many experts, is that this kind of effort to block the Russia investigation has likely created a bigger legal problem for Trump than anything he may have done with the Russians.

Even if there were evidence of Trump personally plotting with Russia, and it may well be, squirreled away in Mueller’s files, it’s not clear whether this would constitute a crime. “Collusion” is not a legal term, Mueller would have to figure out which specific law Trump’s actions violated, which according to legal experts could be trickier than it might seem.

Under the law governing special counsels, Mueller does not have the power to simply announce that he thinks the president has committed a crime and then indict him. He doesn’t even have authority to issue a report saying that the president committed crimes, a step well short of criminal prosecution.


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