Trump’s American Fourth Reich
The paper is aged and fragile, the typewritten letters slowly fading. But US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128 is as chilling now as the day it was written in November 1944. The document, also known as the Red House Report, is a detailed account of a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944.
There, Nazi officials ordered an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany's post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazis' return to power and work for a 'strong German empire'. In other words, the Fourth Reich.
The three-page, closely typed report, marked 'Secret', copied to British officials and sent by air pouch to Cordell Hull, the US Secretary of State, detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany's economy by sending money through Switzerland. They would set up a network of secret front companies abroad. They would wait until conditions were right. And then they would take over Germany again.
The industrialists included representatives of Volkswagen, Krupp and Messerschmitt. Officials from the Navy and Ministry of Armaments were also at the meeting and, with incredible foresight, they decided together that the Fourth German Reich, unlike its predecessor, would be an economic rather than a military empire, but not just German.
Nazi Germany did export massive amounts of capital through neutral countries. German businesses did set up a network of front companies abroad. The German economy did soon recover after 1945.
The Third Reich was defeated militarily, but powerful Nazi-era bankers, industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered in the new West Germany. There they worked for a new cause, European economic and political integration.
During Trump’s election in the United States of America, for some strange reason the mainstream media outlets, profiting from Trump’s campaign, failed to uphold their basic responsibility of reporting the facts, educating the public and correcting lies, refused to do their job for the nation and act like retrospect experts.
Not only were they refusing to be held accountable for their incessant coverage that helped Trump’s winning the election, they were cynically diverting blame by using any backlash that ensued in the streets to further build their ratings.
Although, Trump cheated with Russian assistance to win the Republican nomination, in reality Clinton was also totally the wrong candidate. Yet, the Democratic Party leaderships apparently through their own corruption which now appears to be second nature, cheated for personal or self defeating reasons. They refused to acknowledge which candidate would be best for the country, but sought to perpetuate their elitist status and actually losing the presidency in the process.
One of the most difficult tasks we all have, is to admit to our weaknesses and them making any required adjustments. Hopefully, they will have a second chance to make amends for the benefit of the nation. Some appear to have forgotten that freedom is a privilege not a right and will never be handed over or gained once lost.
When faced with Trump’s treasonous bogus victory, many pundits suddenly started professing their falsely spouted shock, they implied and acted as being inveigled by asking how did we got here. Although complicit because the media were quickly trying to normalizing a man who built and indeed won, on a campaign driven by hate while pretending to push a narrative of “unity”. In essence the people of America suddenly notices that Trump speaks through both sides of his mouth.
Everyone in the media were not just normalizing him, but his whole chaotic transition team and proposed cabinet filled with far-right henchmen who will enact the white-supremacist, anti-Muslim, misogynist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, xenophobic messages Trump spouted off on the campaign trail. He is just learning he'll get better mused his cronies which was completely lapped up by all concerned.
On Election Day, the world witnessed a white electoral riot, pure and simple. Racial fears and economic insecurity blamed on people of colour and immigrants drove the Trump vote, and spurred his victory, with a little help from his Russian friends. He made loud but ultimately vague promises to the white working and middle class to bring back jobs that had been outsourced abroad.
What remains baffling is the nations refusal to that to heart what Abraham Lincoln tried to warn the United States of America, “that a house divided against itself, cannot stand”, meaning that Whites Supremacist hating and ill-treating their fellow black and brown citizens, would alternately destroy the whole country.
His slogan, “Make America Great Again”, may have initially been interpreted to mean that he was bringing jobs back home to the white American worker, but it was quickly eclipsed by the focus on racism and xenophobia which became Trump’s campaign’s leading hallmarks, and he did nothing to dissuade it.
By gearing his messages specifically to white people, he stoked their resentment and animus toward the “others” they believed were stealing their opportunities, Mexicans, Black “affirmative action” beneficiaries, Asians abroad, and LGBTQ people who in their minds are eroding the family and “traditional values.” Everybody got blamed but the white elite who had been actually screwing everyone in the United States of America since Bacon’s Rebellion.
In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon led a group of white, black, and American Indian indentured servants in a revolt against the planter class. The failed revolt consolidated the status of blacks as slaves to whites and prompted increased privileges to poor whites in hopes of destroying multiracial coalitions to prevent future class uprisings.
But ironically, it did not improve the position of whites who became small landowners and found themselves pushed into hill regions where they eked out a marginal living. Those poor whites became the forebears of today’s Appalachian whites, many of whom never escaped poverty.
US President Trump’s declaration before the UN to “totally destroy” North Korea and his general ranting about American military might is on par with the Nazi Third Reich’s invocation of “Total War”. Trump’s presidential campaign provides signs of war for the purposes of plunder, as an option that would likely receive serious consideration if and when the opportunity was presented.
The ease with which Trump and his senior officials talk about “military options” towards North Korea, and any other defiant nation, is arguably not just a violation of the UN Charter but also the principles of international law established at the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi leaders. Any use or threat of war that is not a clear act of self-defense is “aggression”.
The United States under President Donald J Trump is more than ever openly adopting the self-declared “right” to launch wars. Its hysterical claim of “self-defense” with regard to North Korea is a cynical excuse for aggression. This was likely merely muted to test world reaction, in the event of actuality.
When Trump says North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un “won’t be around for much longer” the words are reasonable grounds for the North Koreans to believe the US is “declaring war”, especially in the context of repeated military threats by the Americans of using “all options on the table”.
Trump’s thuggish address to the UN General Assembly was a shocking repudiation of the world body’s official peace-building mission. Trump’s bellicosity had some commentators making comparisons with a Nazi-like oration from Nuremberg rallies held between 1938 and 39.
Many intellects and lovers of freedom summed up grimly by concluding that the US is now the Fourth Reich, meaning successor to the Nazi Third Reich. Many esteemed former government insiders declared that the US as the “Fourth Reich” is a measure of the Rubicon that the country has crossed.
Truth be told, however, the US has been way past the Rubicon into dark territory for a long time. To compare US state power with Nazi Germany is not merely a metaphor. There is a very real historical connection.
This year marks the 70th anniversary since the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was created in 1947 in the aftermath of the Second World War and the defeat of Nazi Germany. As American author Douglas Valentine recently remarked, the milestone for the CIA represents “70 years of organized crime”.
The CIA and US military leaders at the Pentagon were in many ways the inheritors of Nazi Germany. Thousands of senior Nazi military, intelligence, scientists and engineers were immediately recruited by the Pentagon and nascent CIA after the Second World War.
Operation Paperclip approved by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff in late 1945 was vital for the adoption of Nazi missile technology. SS Major Werner Von Braun and hundreds of other rocket experts were instrumental in developing American weapons, as well as the NASA space program.
Operation Sunrise overseen by Allen Dulles and other early CIA figures (the organization was known up to 1947 as the Office of Strategic Studies) set up “rat lines” for top Nazi commanders to escape justice and flee from Europe. Among senior Nazi officers aided and abetted by the American CIA were General Karl Wolff and Major General Reinhard Gehlen.
The liaison between American intelligence and military, and the remnants of the Third Reich, were formative in the organizational creation and Cold War ideology of the CIA and Pentagon towards the Soviet Union. The Americans benefited not only from Nazi gold stolen from European countries, they deployed the same intelligence and covert military techniques of the Third Reich.
Major General Reinhard Gehlen after his postwar induction in Washington set up the Gehlen Organization with his many contacts among Ukrainian fascists to conduct sabotage operations behind Soviet lines in the decades following the Second World War.
After the Second World War, the United States’ power structure turned into a dichotomy. On the one hand, there was the formal government of elected Congress members and presidents. On the contrary, are the real power brokers in the “secret government” comprising the CIA and the US military-industrial complex.
The “secret government” or the “deep state” of the US has been a law unto itself over the past seven decades. The election of Democrat or Republican politicians has no significant bearing on government policy. The shots are called by the CIA and the “deep state” who answer to the ruling elite of corporate power. Any president who does not comply is dealt with like John F Kennedy, assassinated in November 1963. Hence Trump’s craven capitulation since election on many fronts.
Funded with Nazi war loot, Russo-phobia, and contempt for international law, the CIA and the American military inevitably became a killing machine. Only five years after the Second World War, the Americans went to war in Korea, allegedly “to defeat world communism”.
Much of the new military technology that the Americans deployed during the 1950-53 Korean War was developed by the Nazi engineers recruited through Operation Paperclip. The genocidal destruction inflicted on Korea by the Americans was no different from the barbarism used by the Third Reich.
Much of the new military technology that the Americans deployed during the 1950-53 Korean War was developed by the Nazi engineers recruited through Operation Paperclip. The genocidal destruction inflicted on Korea by the Americans was no different from the barbarism used by the Third Reich.
Over the past seven decades, the US rulers have waged overt wars, coups, assassinations and proxy wars against dozens of countries around the world. The global death toll from this American destruction is estimated at 20 million people.
When US leaders extol “American exceptionalism” it is a euphemism for “supremacy” and the “right” to use military violence to further strategic interests. This is no different from the supremacist thinking that the Third Reich invoked to justify its conquest of others.
When Trump and his administration threaten to annihilate North Korea the mindset is not unprecedented. Almost every US leader since the Second World War has promulgated the same unilateral use of violence towards other nations deemed to be “enemy states”. What Trump represents is simply a more naked version of the same aggression.
In addition to the horrendous global death toll from US violence, it should be noted that the US currently spends about $700 billion every year on military 10 times what Russia spends, or 10 times what the next 9 biggest military-spending nations allocate. The US has military bases in over 100 countries around the world. Over the past quarter-century, it has been in a permanent state of illegal war.
It is by no means an exaggeration to say the US is the Fourth Reich whose direct antecedent is Nazi Germany. The outgrowth of the CIA and Pentagon from Nazi personnel and illicit funds following the Second World War ensured that the US rulers imbued the ideology of the Third Reich.
The legacy of the American Fourth Reich is evident for those with open minds, wars of aggression, genocide, proxy wars, coups, death squads, mass surveillance of citizens, mass media propaganda, and mass torture, all done with impunity and self-righteousness.
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