The Great Apostasy
The Great Apostasy is a term used by some religious groups to describe the perceived fallen state of traditional Christianity, especially the Roman Catholic Church because they claim it allowed traditional Greco-Roman culture, i.e. Greco-Roman mysteries, deities of solar monism such as Mithras and Sol Invictus, pagan. Yet there also many so-called follows of Christ with Freemasonry intertwined into their beliefs and practices, who continue to mislead many today.
How does the Bible define apostasy? What is it exactly so we can know to identify it? The word itself is from the Greek word “apostasia” and is very much like renouncing or disassociating oneself from a particular religion or certain religious beliefs. It is similar to a rejection of beliefs that were once held and accepting different beliefs and might even be a renunciation of the beliefs that were previously held. For example, is someone converts to another religion, they reject or turn away from their beliefs from something they once believed and turn to believing in another, much different religion or it might be a falling away from anything to do with religion. Apostasy can also be considered abandonment or defiance of what was previously held to be true and practised and rebelling against those same beliefs and practices. Someone or some group who does this are considered an apostate.
2 Corinthians 11:5
I do not think I am in the least inferior to those "super-apostles."
The “super-apostles” were false teachers who appeared to be superior to Paul in their manner and authority. Paul calls them “super” in a facetious manner.
It is far better to be plain in speech, yet walking openly and consistently with the gospel, than to be admired by thousands, and be lifted up in pride, so as to disgrace the gospel by evil tempers and unholy lives. The apostle would not give room for any to accuse him of worldly designs in preaching the gospel, that others who opposed him at Corinth, might not in this respect gain advantage against him. Hypocrisy may be looked for, especially when we consider the great power which Satan, who rules in the hearts of the children of disobedience, has upon the minds of many. And as there are temptations to evil conduct, so there is equal danger on the other side. It serves Satan's purposes as well, to set up good works against the atonement of Christ, and salvation by faith and grace. But the end will discover those who are deceitful workers, their work will end in ruin. Satan will allow his ministers to preach either the law or the gospel separately, but the law as established by faith in Christ's righteousness and atonement, and the partaking of his Spirit, is the test of every false system.
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