America's Sacrifice in Defeating Evil

The fact that America, the most powerful country in world history, recently sleepwalked into electing a snake oil salesman as president has become a nightmare, for the country and the whole world.  To blame the Russians, the educational or the electoral system is an extremely simplistic prognosis.  Many people are within themselves just as you find them. Sadly, in some cases crossing the street may not be a viable option, especially if such individuals feel empowered with the assistance of the state to treat others with utter disdain.  

During the American Civil War and World War II, the moral issues of right and wrong were of such importance that Americans willingly fought and sacrificed their lives.  America believed that they had no alternative left to them, but to fight and defeat the abhorrent ideologies of the Confederacy and the Nazis.

When the Confederacy and the Nazis unconditionally surrendered the issues were settled.  Yet today it is truly mind boggling that any American would shamelessly disrespect their countrymen who spilled their blood during these conflicts for freedom.  

Those fascists who march in America clearly refuse to accept the outcome of lost wars long ago.  They want to reignite long discredited ideologies for their own perverse purposes for personal gain.

Marching as these fascists did in many others countries would have been treasonous.  The KKK and Neo-Nazis are brazenly sticking a finger in the air, cynically abusing the freedom of speech won with the blood of Americans who defeated the wanton evil of  the Nazis and the Confederacy at great personal sacrifice.

In Germany a country where the Nazis governed, it is illegal to raise or march with the Nazi flag.   No amount of time should allow any of us to forget that the Nazis slaughtered millions of innocent people in factory efficient death camps.  They also caused over 80 million more to needlessly die by instigating wars worldwide in their desire for global conquest, due to the idiotic belief that they were a master race.  The Confederacy's secession from the union was due to their obstinant refusal to abolish slavery, which was so unacceptable to the rest of the United States, the matter needed to be settled by a Civil War brother, against brother. The American Civil War caused the needless death of hundreds of thousands of their fellow American countrymen.  The best efforts of peaceful men were of no avail, in the case, of Confederacy and Nazi intransigence.

As result, history shows that America's opposition to the Confederacy and Nazism didn't simply take the form of a proclamation passed by Congress as a show of condemnation.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans expressed that opposition in the most significant way possible by personal sacrifice, risking and losing their lives for a better future for us today.  

“I’ve heard this kind of talk before, but I never expected to hear it in America.”

Americans Died to Defeat the Confederacy and the Nazis


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