Clandestine Perspective Modelling 

'For some reason, voters can be brainwashed, and they vote sometimes against their own best interest, let alone voting against the interest of people who need them, like people who are disenfranchised and people who are poor and so forth.'

Joyce Carol Oates   

A Russian entity, serially connected with jostling pro-Kremlin biased, misleading and politically motivated transmissions advocating their particular viewpoint spent $100,000 to purchase about 3,000 adverts using 470 fake accounts on Facebook during the closely fought 2016 presidential election. These bulletins propelled politically divisive issues, such as gun rights, immigration fears, gay rights, and racial discrimination.  No entity would consider spending such a sum unless there was a certainty after a detailed calculation of engendering a major political influence on prospective American voter attitudes.  

The worn out narrative pushed by team Trump is that there is 'no evidence that Russian interference changed a single vote.'  Everyone is familiar with negative advertising which is the usually unsophisticated method of gaining or changing voters opinions towards their preferred candidate.

'Stay positive and happy.  Work hard and don't give up hope.  Be open to criticism and keep learning.  Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people.'

Tena Desae  

There were the normal upfront infomercials, used to sway devotees which were delivered as expected during an election season.  Nonetheless, these Russian bulletins were cleverly designed, presented and disguised as the sharing of stories and ideas from other American citizens.  It is common for most of us not to want to stand out from the crowd.  Just like any newly trending must have, product, new technology or idea, we all like to believe that we are as smart as the person who thinks this new item will meet our need, or make our life better.  

Humans do not benefit from isolation because we are social beings who are likely to conform our conduct, dress, and speech to that of the herd and readily modify to acceptable social norms.  In other words, we can all be easily manipulated given the correct circumstances and environment. 

'Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.'

Shiv Khera

Stuffing the ballot box with votes might have been the preferred 'modus operandi' of clumsy vote riggers in the past.  But these Russians, with military precision, not only hacked and circulated embarrassing emails but also used negative propaganda to model what people thought about, not only their preferred choice but also heightened the status of their candidate of choice.

We may never fully find out the full extent of the 'Clandestine Perspective Modelling' used during the election, but there can be no further doubt that just as on an American football field, interference was effectively engaged by a foreign predator during the 2016 presidential election of Donald Trump.

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