Unraveling the United States
There is no evidence that 'White North American Racism' is intrinsically a part of the United States of America's very fabric, but these White North American Racists are extremely pervasive, loud and recently, more angry than usual for their own perverse reasons. Nonetheless, with the election of Donald Trump, the rest of the world have been scratching their heads, silently observing in dismay and disgust.
The unfathomable self righteous indignation of America's Racist White Citizens, who have been desperately seeking to eradicate all traces from history, that a black man was ever a president of the United States, can no longer legitimise America's self-imposed tag as, 'the land of the free and the home of the brave' and 'leader of the free world.' In view, of America's recent behavior, once these accolades are lost, can never to be regained without being forever regarded as an open laugh-out-loud source of amusement, for the rest of the world.
The unfathomable self righteous indignation of America's Racist White Citizens, who have been desperately seeking to eradicate all traces from history, that a black man was ever a president of the United States, can no longer legitimise America's self-imposed tag as, 'the land of the free and the home of the brave' and 'leader of the free world.' In view, of America's recent behavior, once these accolades are lost, can never to be regained without being forever regarded as an open laugh-out-loud source of amusement, for the rest of the world.
The Republican Party, after President Trump's shameless display of sympathy for White American Supremacists Racists, immediately and strongly spoke out in contrite opposition. Those whom, for all concerned spoke out, unconvincingly making merely a mild noise of condemnation, as if, the Republican Political Party Leadership were taken utterly by surprise by the sudden presentation of President Donald Trump's personal characteristics.
This is exceptionally puzzling because, after all, Donald Trump did run for office as a Republican candidate. To be fair Donald Trump was elected by the Republican party members base.
This understanding is actually even worse for the Republican Party, which at some point must have a long hard look at themselves if they have not done so already, because 'birds of a feather usually flock together.'
An alcoholic will always make up for himself and others implausible excuses to explain why he needs to drink alcohol first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Consequently, the American racist is well aware that their views are repugnant, so they worked towards their White Supremacists agenda undercover using coded language to communicate with like-minded individuals. Now that their Man is in the 'White House' the sheets are no longer required. The Racists are now in from the cold of American life and politics. One must, therefore, wonder if White Supremacists were that much out in the cold, with Trump's election. It will not be long before the rest of the world will refuse to be lectured by these morally degenerate psychopaths in the White House.
Although Nazi Germany's military was a force to be reckoned with, it became a necessity on matters of self-interest to oppose the Nazis worldwide. This was due to the fact that it clearly became evident by their brutal actions in Europe during and after each conquest, that the 'German White Supremacists Nazis' threatened the freedom of everyone on earth. As a result, the Second World War was fought and won on idealistic moral grounds to End All Wars of Injustice.
This is exceptionally puzzling because, after all, Donald Trump did run for office as a Republican candidate. To be fair Donald Trump was elected by the Republican party members base.
This understanding is actually even worse for the Republican Party, which at some point must have a long hard look at themselves if they have not done so already, because 'birds of a feather usually flock together.'
An alcoholic will always make up for himself and others implausible excuses to explain why he needs to drink alcohol first thing in the morning and throughout the day. Consequently, the American racist is well aware that their views are repugnant, so they worked towards their White Supremacists agenda undercover using coded language to communicate with like-minded individuals. Now that their Man is in the 'White House' the sheets are no longer required. The Racists are now in from the cold of American life and politics. One must, therefore, wonder if White Supremacists were that much out in the cold, with Trump's election. It will not be long before the rest of the world will refuse to be lectured by these morally degenerate psychopaths in the White House.
Although Nazi Germany's military was a force to be reckoned with, it became a necessity on matters of self-interest to oppose the Nazis worldwide. This was due to the fact that it clearly became evident by their brutal actions in Europe during and after each conquest, that the 'German White Supremacists Nazis' threatened the freedom of everyone on earth. As a result, the Second World War was fought and won on idealistic moral grounds to End All Wars of Injustice.
Trump's best efforts in presenting himself as a decent Humanitarian and Presidential continue to fall on deaf ears. The old saying still rings true, 'You cannot make a silk purse from a pig's ear.'
In a so-called Democracy, the outcome remains a numbers game, causing a cynical form of gerrymandering being used to gain votes for the benefit of one political party to the detriment of the other. This begs the question, are White Supremacists Racists in the majority in the United States of America? If they are not, how on earth did such a cheating, lying, low life become president? Well, the obvious answer is that enough people voted for him.
The efforts to have him impeached because he cheated during the democratic election process, with the willing help of a foreign power, is almost laughable if it was not so serious. Just like a skilled con man the voters were guided to look this way and that way when the real trickery was being carried out elsewhere.
Most disingenuous white supremacists racists will just refuse to ever see anything wrong with the corrupt status quo, naming the current polarised situation as the manifestation of the so-called democratic will of the American people, which on the surface is correct. However, many may find it extremely difficult to visit or want to live in such a place as the so-called United States of America without real sustainable progress towards justice and equality, because platitudes will longer suffice in today's world of morally upright citizens.
White Supremacists Racists Hate Change for the Betterment of All
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