Undoing Evil

'The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.'
Edmund Burke

Those who elected for president of the United States this idiotic, moronic, reprobate Donald J. Trump, should now repent, beg forgiveness and forever hang their heads in shame.  

The hall of shame must also include those of the Republican Party who facilitate Trump to abuse the power of the office of president.  His racially motivated opposition to having a black president caused a 'white-lash' gaining him support from many undercover racists such as the so-called, Christain Right, the KKK and the Neo-Nazis.  

When we turn a blind eye to the actions of President Trump, forgetting the old adage when facing ternary and injustice.  'Trump came for the Mexicans, I did not speak out because I was not a Mexican.'  The adage is 'who will be left to speak up for us later on down the line when Trump comes for us.'

No one can now be in any doubt that Donald J. Trump is the worst president that anyone could have ever imagined.  Those Americans who voted to put him in office committed one of the most unforgivable a crimes in history.

Those who voted for this man have not been responsible because Trump was not even fit to be elected as a dog catcher.  Moreover, it was then crystal clear that the presidential candidate Donald J. Trump is an extremely unpleasant human being.  Many are now angry about his blatant nepotism with his children and believe that they should find another playground.  They were not elected or have demonstrated any qualifications to merit holding any White House position.  

History clearly shows the end of other nasty tyrannical individuals.  The people due to his repeated conduct hung Mussolini.  Adolf  Hitler killed himself because he ran out of options.  Every soldier from Russia was fighting their way through the German army wanting his head on a stick.  

Many, after seeing criminal president Trump's actions are in no doubt that in spite of his age he should be sent to a Federal penitentiary for a very long time.  

Everyone is still wondering what happened to the Republican political party of Abraham Lincoln, who had the courage to oppose the Confederacy and free the slaves before the end of the Civil War.  These have metamorphosed into opportunist remaining mute onlookers cowering in the corner, forgetting their oath to serve all the people of the Country.  They manipulate events by spinning, to maintain the privileges and power of their office given to them by their fellow citizens.  

How many of the current elected officials of the Republican Party would be found 'Guilty' of the crime of 'Misprison' in the court of public opinion, if not in a court of law?  In criminal law, the term 'Misprison' is used to signify every considerable misdemeanor which has not a certain name given to it by law.  But more particularly and properly the term denotes either (1) a contempt against the sovereign, the government, or the courts of justice, including not only contempts of court, properly so called, but also all forms of seditious or disloyal conduct and leze-majesty; (2) maladministration of high public office, including speculation of the public funds; (3) neglect or light account made of a crime, that is, failure in the duty of a citizen to endeavor to prevent the commission of a crime, or, having knowledge of its commission, to reveal it to the proper authorities

Senator McCain Stands Up To Trump  

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